Couponing can be rough on someone just learning without coupon lingo getting in the way. Here is your cheat sheet!
AR - After Rebate
AYOR - At Your Own Risk
B1G1 or BOGO - Buy One Get One FreeB5G1 - Buy FIVE Get One Free
BC/AC – Before/AfterCoupons
Blinkie - SmartSource machine with a red blinking light on it. Coupons are thus referred to as ‘ Blinkies’
BTFE - Box Tops for Education
CAT - Coupon that prints from a Catalina machine at the register.
CC - Concealed Cash
CH - Clearing House
CLFE - Campbell's Labels For Education
C/O - Cents Off
CRT - Cash register tape (receipt)
DEAD - Refers to a dead deal, or that the offer is no longer valid
DND - Do Not Double
ECB - Extra Care Buck (earned at CVS)
ES - Easy Saver, seen at Walgreens rebate booklet
ETS - Excludes Trial Sizes
EX or X. - Expires on
FAR - Free after rebate
GM - General Mills Insert, a booklet of coupons that appears in newspapers every month or two.
HBA - Health & Beauty Section in the store
INSERTS – Coupon booklets found in the Sunday paper
IP – Internet Printable coupon
IVC - Instant value coupons - seen in Walgreens rebate booklet
MFR - Manufacturer
MIR - Mail In Rebate
MQ - Manufacturer coupon
MRP - Manufacturer's retail price
NED - No Expiration Date
NT WT - Net Weight
OAS - A Coupon that is good on one Purchase, Any Size
OOP - Out Of Pocket
OOS - Out of Stock
OYNO -On Your Next Order
P&G - Proctor & Gamble (Sunday Booklet Coupons)
Peelie - Coupon found attached to a product. You have to peel it off.
POP - Proof of purchase
PSA - Prices Starting At
Q - Coupon
RC - Rain-check
RP - Red Plum (Sunday Booklet Coupons) (formerly Valassis)
RR - Register Reward from Walgreens - use as a $ off coupon on your next purchase
SCR - Rite Aid Single Check Rebate
SMP - Specially marked package
SRP - Suggested retail price
SS - Smart Source (Sunday Booklet Coupons)
STACKING - Often stores will allow the use of more than onecoupon per item, IF the coupon itself does not restrict such usage. (Usually store Q + mfr Q)
SUPER DOUBLES or DOUBLES - coupons that are doubled $1 + in value (IE, a $1 coupon - $2, etc)
TEARPAD - A pad of forms/coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display
TMF - Try Me Free - mail in rebate for full amount of product
TRIPLE COUPON - A coupon that a grocery store triples in value
TRU - Toys R Us
UPC - Universal Product Code, barcode on the product
WAGS - Walgreens
WM - Walmart
WSL - While supplies last
WYB - When You Buy
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary ("Worked for me, may not work for you")
AYOR - At Your Own Risk
B1G1 or BOGO - Buy One Get One FreeB5G1 - Buy FIVE Get One Free
BC/AC – Before/After
Blinkie - SmartSource machine with a red blinking light on it. Coupons are thus referred to as ‘ Blinkies’
BTFE - Box Tops for Education
CAT - Coupon that prints from a Catalina machine at the register.
CC - Concealed Cash
CH - Clearing House
CLFE - Campbell's Labels For Education
C/O - Cents Off
CRT - Cash register tape (receipt)
DEAD - Refers to a dead deal, or that the offer is no longer valid
DND - Do Not Double
ECB - Extra Care Buck (earned at CVS)
ES - Easy Saver, seen at Walgreens rebate booklet
ETS - Excludes Trial Sizes
EX or X. - Expires on
FAR - Free after rebate
GM - General Mills Insert, a booklet of coupons that appears in newspapers every month or two.
HBA - Health & Beauty Section in the store
INSERTS – Coupon booklets found in the Sunday paper
IP – Internet Printable coupon
IVC - Instant value coupons - seen in Walgreens rebate booklet
MFR - Manufacturer
MIR - Mail In Rebate
MQ - Manufacturer coupon
MRP - Manufacturer's retail price
NED - No Expiration Date
NT WT - Net Weight
OAS - A Coupon that is good on one Purchase, Any Size
OOP - Out Of Pocket
OOS - Out of Stock
OYNO -On Your Next Order
P&G - Proctor & Gamble (Sunday Booklet Coupons)
Peelie - Coupon found attached to a product. You have to peel it off.
POP - Proof of purchase
PSA - Prices Starting At
Q - Coupon
RC - Rain-check
RP - Red Plum (Sunday Booklet Coupons) (formerly Valassis)
RR - Register Reward from Walgreens - use as a $ off coupon on your next purchase
SCR - Rite Aid Single Check Rebate
SMP - Specially marked package
SRP - Suggested retail price
SS - Smart Source (Sunday Booklet Coupons)
STACKING - Often stores will allow the use of more than one
SUPER DOUBLES or DOUBLES - coupons that are doubled $1 + in value (IE, a $1 coupon - $2, etc)
TEARPAD - A pad of forms/coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display
TMF - Try Me Free - mail in rebate for full amount of product
TRIPLE COUPON - A coupon that a grocery store triples in value
TRU - Toys R Us
UPC - Universal Product Code, barcode on the product
WAGS - Walgreens
WM - Walmart
WSL - While supplies last
WYB - When You Buy
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary ("Worked for me, may not work for you")